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Showing posts from January, 2006

Cool tools for windows

Nir Sofer from Nirsoft has quite a bunch of very handy tools for windows. I especially like ProduKey to extract product keys of all Microsoft Programs installed. Safe the information for your next PC migration or rebuild. ShortcutsMan allows you to enumerate all shortcuts on the desktop and in the startmenu and manage them very quickly. Very handy if your (like mine does frequently) Start Menu gets cluttered with all these different program folders and links to web pages and help files that you actually never need.

The Lazy Way to Become an Olympic Athlete

Great story over at the lazy way to success . Eric Moussambani finished to a sincerely-given standing ovation and I got goose bumps. His time was one minute and 52.72 seconds. ... After I watched his painful performance, I realized that Eric Moussambani had just given me a chance to redeem myself. Even though I couldn’t come close to competing with the women’s gold medalist in the 400, I knew I had a fighting chance to beat Eric Moussambani in the 100 free. ... I touched the wall at the end of the seventh lap and turned off my watch. Merciful God, I beat Moussambani’s time by over fifteen seconds! I had been reprieved! ... Epilogue: I have since stopped timing myself. It was making the idea of swimming down right unpleasant. These days, I am back to leisurely paddling back and forth, content to know that I am good enough to be an Olympic swimmer. All I have to do is move to Equatorial Guinea.