Great story over at the lazy way to success.
Eric Moussambani finished to a sincerely-given standing ovation and I got goose bumps. His time was one minute and 52.72 seconds.
After I watched his painful performance, I realized that Eric Moussambani had just given me a chance to redeem myself. Even though I couldn’t come close to competing with the women’s gold medalist in the 400, I knew I had a fighting chance to beat Eric Moussambani in the 100 free.
I touched the wall at the end of the seventh lap and turned off my watch. Merciful God, I beat Moussambani’s time by over fifteen seconds! I had been reprieved!
Epilogue: I have since stopped timing myself. It was making the idea of swimming down right unpleasant. These days, I am back to leisurely paddling back and forth, content to know that I am good enough to be an Olympic swimmer. All I have to do is move to Equatorial Guinea.