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Showing posts from February, 2006

Bush administration afraid of science

NOAA has consistently discounted any connection to global warming in its scientific summaries about the record number and destructiveness of hurricanes in 2005, despite ample evidence of a likely connection from other leading climate scientists. On Wednesday, NOAA announced that several of its scientists disagreed with that official position. It is so amazing, that the current US government is afraid scientific research that it tries to silence research about global warming and health issues. Isn't the government there to protect and serve their people? I don't think global warming is directly causing natural disasters, but if there is any evidence that changing our behaviour today could make this world a safer and healthier place for our children should not suppressed. The United States is entering into an era where faith is more important than fact and dissent is considered betrayal, he said. When it comes to research, the current administration has gone well beyond the tra

Two exhibitions that fit together?

1. Vitra Design Museum > Aktuelle Ausstellung: Joe Colombo – Die Erfindung der Zukunft 2. Fondation Beyeler > Sonderausstellung: Wolfgang Laib - Das Vergängliche ist das Ewige