As promised – here the details of my undertaking regarding my CD collection. One day I really got fed up for having to keep a huge rack of CDs in my living room. It just doesn’t look good. And I don’t really like handling the CDs. So I decided to rip them all. I already started with some CDs using Windows Media Player and an mp3 codec with 320bit/s setting. But I didn’t like the quality. After some research regarding lossless audio codecs, I decided upon FLAC (free lossless audio codec). Here’s why:
- wave format does not support tagging (song title, etc) and is creates huge files
- mp3 and other “lossy” formats: the quality is not good enough for me
- wma format: has DRM in it and I simply do not trust Microsoft in this matter
- free, open source format, no DRM
- lossless compression
- support for tags
- available on all platforms